All are welcome!

At Faith Avenue Church, we believe that all people are created in the image of God.  So we affirm people regardless of their sexual orientation, race, age, or gender identification. You are welcome here, and your gifts are valued here. Let's connect to God, one another, and our world as we do life... TOGETHER!

Our Statement of Affirmation
Transformation Ink Fundraiser

In May we will be raising funds to support Transformation Ink. Transformation Ink uses tattoos to cover up brands on people who have been trafficked to help them in their rehabilitation. It is a great way for us to participate in the love and healing of people in our community!

The last day for donations is May 26th. You can donate in person or online. If donating online, please select "Transformation Ink" under the "To" fund category. 

Celtic Oral Tradition
~First Millennium


You are the peace of all things calm.

You are the place to hide from harm.

You are the light that shines in dark.

You are the heart's eternal spark.

You are the door that's open wide.

You are the guest who waits inside.

You are the stranger at the door.

You are the calling of the poor.

You are my Lord and with me still.

You are my love, keep me from ill.

You are the light, the truth, the way.

You are my Saviour this very day.